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  The two hands are of great importance to us in daily life. But to most people, the right hand seems to be more important, for they usually depend more on the right hand. For example, people usually write and eat with the right hand. In fact, it is a predominantly1 right-handed world. Many products are designed for the right-handed. If you are the special one who likes to use the other hand, life can be quite difficult. Even daily things like opening doors, using computers mouses and cutting with scissors will leave you in an awkward2 position.
  However, it is said that there is still about ten percent of the world’s population is left-handed. The scientists say that the left-handers are genetic3. It runs in families. So if one has the left-hander gene, one or more of his children may grow up to be left-handed. For thousands of years, the left hand is associated4 with the bad. Children would be spanked5 in school and at home for being different. Their parents will use many ways to force them to write with their “correct” hand. Although left-handed people have many disadvantages and face much discrimination6, they are said to be more creative and talented. Many famous people are left-handed. Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo Picasso are all among them.
  To pay tribute7 to the great left-handers in the past and to celebrate their own uniqueness8, some left-handers in America started a group called Left-Handers International in 1975. The group celebrated their first International Left-Handers’ Day on August 13, 1976. They celebrated it to draw people’s attention to their special life and ask for more rights. In 1992, the Left-handers Club in London also made August 13 as International Left-Handers’ Day. They set up special websites and organized activities to tell more and ask more for left-handers.
  为了对以往的伟大的左撇子们表示敬意,也为了颂扬他们自己的独特,1975年美国的一些左撇子们成立了一个“国际左撇子组织”。1976年8月13日,这个组织第一次庆祝他们的国际左撇子日,旨在引起别人对他们独特生活的关注并维护自己的权利。1992年,伦敦的左撇子俱乐部也将8月13日定为国际左撇子日。他们为此建立了专门的网站并组织了各种各样的活动,来告诉人们更多关于左撇子的知识和故事,并为左撇子们要求更多的权利。   Today, tens of countries in the world celebrate this special day. The left-handers’ organizations are said to be especially active in European countries. On the day, they organize left-vs-right sports matches, left-handed tea parties where people drink and play games with the left hand only. Also right-handers are encouraged to try out everyday left-handed objects to see just how awkward it can feel using the wrong equipment9!
  These events have made people aware10 of the difficulties left-handers experience in everyday life. They have also led to greater consideration of the needs of the left-handers. People also began to improve the design of some products for the left-handers, although there is still a long way to go.
  1. predominantly [] adv. 主要地;显著地
  2. awkward [] adj. 尴尬的;笨拙的 3. genetic [] adj. 遗传的;基因的
  4. associate [] v. 联想 5. spank [] v. 打……的屁股
  6. discrimination [] n. 歧视;区别
  7. tribute [] n. 礼物;颂词;致敬 8. uniqueness [] n. 独特性;独一无二
  9. equipment [] n. 设备,装备 10. aware [] adj. 意识到的
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