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这么多人生活在阳光里,可阳光从未照进他家,他让她找到了存在感,被需要是这个世界上最深切的勇气。作者有话说:这个故事的灵感也是来源于一个故事。一个朋友去看望他很早之前就给别人抱养的弟弟,弟弟拿出了一根已经有些发黑腐烂的香蕉招待他。看得出来,不是弟弟对他有意见,而是,这已经是弟弟最隆重的款待了。哥哥在心里说,哼,香蕉谁稀罕,每天都可以吃啊,我才不要吃烂掉的东西呢!但因为弟弟期待和欢愉的眼神,让他后来每次回想起来,心里都揪得疼。有时候,我们习以为常的拥有,对别人来说却是弥足珍贵的。如果这个故事可以让我们都变得更加珍惜,懂得为别人付出,那该多好。 With so many people living in the sunshine, the sun never shines on his house, he has made her find a sense of being and is needed to be the deepest courage in this world. The author has something to say: the story is inspired by a story. A friend went to visit his younger brother who had been adopted by someone very early. The younger brother took out a banana that had been dark and rotten and treated him. Can not see, not his brother had opinions on him, but, this is already the most solemn hospitality of his brother. Brother said in my heart, Well, bananas who are rare, can eat every day, I do not want to eat rotten things it! But because my brother looked forward to and happy look, so he later each time I recall, my heart was pulling . Occasionally, we accustomed to possession, it is precious to others. If this story allows us to become more cherished, know how to pay for others, then how good.
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以慢工出细活著称的蓝天工作室,在花费了1000个日日夜夜精心雕琢出《冰河世纪》(Ice Age)系列之后,又推出了一部票房和口碑双双飘红的作品——《里约大冒险》(Rio)。该片围绕
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