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  In late August 2020, a memorial event was held at Fenglinwan Bookstore in the west of Hangzhou in honor of Dai Tielang, director of , a 55-episode animation series for children screened on television in the 1980s. Dai passed away at 89 in Hangzhou on September 4th, 2019. Quite a number of fans whose childhood years were made memorable by the series appeared on the first day of the memorial event at the bookstore. Among them were those who were born in the 1980s and in the 21st centuries. It is hard to understand why there were no fans born in the 1990s attending the memorial.
  Hu Xin is the producer of the memorial event. He met Dai Tielang in the last part of the director’s life. Since the death of Dai, Hu has been engaged in events designed to honor the director. This particular event was designed to last till September 4, the anniversary day of Dai’s death. During the event, students and friends of Dai were invited to share their stories concerning Dai and .   It is easy to explain why  has affected so many people. From 1984 to 1987, Shanghai Animation Film Studio launched five seasons of the black cat’s law enforcement adventures in a forest. It became an instant national blockbuster. Directed by Dai Tielang, the five seasons depicted a world of brand-new technologies, most of which were unknown to the general public back then. Dai himself was an enthusiastic reader and subscribed to many international science periodicals. He introduced what he knew and imagined into the animation series for children: a bullet turned and followed the target, a telephone was a mobile device, and a motor boat flew in the sky. Back then, these innovative ideas appeared absurd and even supernatural, but they added an exotic touch to the sheriff’s adventures and won the hearts of the young audience across the country in the 1980s when science and technology were making a huge comeback.
  Quite a few of the fans who came to visit the exhibition at the bookstore were surprised to find that Dai was the mastermind behind many other cartoon and animation series that had fascinated them in their childhood years.
  Part of the director’s mentality was highlighted at the memorial event. Dai Tielang was a reticent man who did not bother to argue for his own case. Some people loudly criticized  for presenting absurdities such as a bullet that turned. After reading such a commentary in a newspaper, a colleague wanted to write an answerback. Dai asked the colleague not to blast the critic, saying that let time tell. Dai did not offer any explanation after hearing of some accounts concerning why the popular series didn’t have more episodes. “I love children, love cartoons and animation, and love my country. That’s all,” said succinctly the director. In 2015, a long film featuring  didn’t make a splash because the adaptation swerved too much off the original scripts. The film received a very poor rating at a popular rating website. Dai knew about the rating, but uttered no comment.
  was based on a thin book authored by Zhu Zhixiang. Dai saw the think book for children at a street kiosk. Dai read it and thought it would be a very good adaptation. Most colleagues didn’t see eye to eye with him on the project. But Dai insisted. It turned out to be a huge blockbuster. Dai had an explanation for the success. “Children are honest. What they want is simple: they want the true, the good, and the beautiful.” The animation series based on his understanding of children touched the heart of so many youngsters that he is still fondly remembered. He will be remembered for a long time.
广东省博物馆的员工食堂,是我喜欢的停留处,主要是因为透过落地的幕墙玻璃,可以欣赏人称“小蛮腰”的广州电视塔的光影变化。在鳞次栉比的高楼之间,结合展厅里曾经和正在举办的外销系列展览,仿佛可以辨析出阡陌水路,浮现当年世界各地从珠江口来到广州的千帆万桅。  为什么叫马尼拉披肩  广东地处南海之滨,海岸线绵长,良港众多。凭借便利的水陆交通、先进的造船技术、丰饶的物产资源和发达的手工业,广东早在秦汉时期就已
夏承焘(1900~1986年),字瞿禅,晚年改字瞿髯,浙江温州人,毕生致力于词学研究和教学,是现代词学的开拓者和奠基人。  翻阅夏承焘先生的诗词作品,会发现一个有趣的现象——那便是他的一部分诗词是为外国友人创作的。他的《天风阁诗集》与《天风阁词集》就收录了《捷克女诗人译陶诗成,北京友人介其来杭相访两首》《清平乐——再为艾德林教授题卷》等诗词作品。作为一名在高校中文系从事古典文学教学与研究的学者,夏
提起溫州人陈坚,别人对他的印象是:20世纪90年代,前往葡萄牙建立两座“中国城”;2009年回国后,在嘉兴平湖打造亚洲最大的进口商品城。  最近,“贪玩”的陈坚又换了新标签:收藏几十万件来自世界各地的古董,走出一条前所未有的文化产业之路。  2020年8月13日,我赶到嘉兴平湖,在陈坚的带领下,穿梭在风格新奇的古董博物馆内,与“百岁以上高龄”的八音盒、钢琴、放映机等进行深度“对话”。  一  陈坚