复杂多样的思想政治教育接受主体动力, 实际上存在着由深及表、依次递升的深层———表层结构, 这条结构链条体现着接受主体动力产生和发展的动态过程的基本脉络。研究思想政治教育接受主体动力的深层———表层结构, 具有两方面的意义: 一是在理论方面有利于拓展思想政治教育研究的深度和广度, 二是在实践方面有利于增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。
Complex and diverse ideological and political education to accept the main driving force, in fact, there are deep and the table, followed by the rise of the deep --- surface structure, this structural chain embodies the dynamic process to accept the main motive force generation and development of the basic context. The study of ideological and political education to accept the subjective motivation of the deep --- surface structure, with two meanings: First, in theory is conducive to expanding the depth and breadth of ideological and political education research, the second is in practice is conducive to enhancing ideological and political education Targeted and effective.