自1951年以来,Gorlin 公式一直作为估测心脏瓣口面积的标准方法。但近来发现,由 Gorlin 公式测算的结果与实际值不符。有作者认为使用 Gorlin 公式造成误差的原因主要是人体自身心脏瓣口面积不是固定的,而是随血流量及跨瓣压力阶差的改变而改变。果真如此,则该公式用于估测变化不大的人工瓣瓣口面积应该是可靠的,但 Ubago等的临床研究又否定了这一推断。近来有学
The Gorlin formula has been the standard method of estimating heart valve orifice area since 1951. However, it has recently been found that the results calculated by the Gorlin formula do not correspond with the actual values. Some authors believe that the use of Gorlin formula error is mainly due to the body’s own heart valve orifice area is not fixed, but with the blood flow and trans-valve pressure gradient changes. If so, the formula should be used to estimate the prosthetic valve area with little change, but Ubago et al’s clinical study rejects this presumption. Recently learn