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蒙古栎过伐林,是指原生阔叶红松林经不合理采伐或遭受自然灾害,失去了红松和部分珍贵阔叶树种形成的以蒙古栎(原林分残余)为优势种的森林类型。按形成原因又可将其分为二类。一类是不合理采伐造成的,林内保存原生中、小径木较多,林木结构复杂,草灌植物未遭严重破坏,原生林的特征与生境无根本性改变;另一类是火灾等造成的,群落结构简单,其它树种和中、小径木及林下植被消失,常呈单层异龄结构,这类林分主要分布在偏远 Over-cutting of Quercus mongolica refers to the type of forest dominated by Quercus mongolica (the remnant of the original forest), which is formed by the unreasonable logging or natural disasters of the native broad-leaved Korean pine forest and the loss of Korean pine and some precious broad-leaved species. According to the formation of reasons they can be divided into two categories. The first is caused by unreasonable logging. In the forest, there are many small-diameter woods in the native, the tree structure is complex, the grass-shrub plant is not seriously damaged, the characteristics of the primary forest are not fundamentally changed with the habitat, and the other is caused by fire , The community structure is simple, the other tree species, middle and small-diameter woods and undergrowth vegetation disappear, often single-layer anaphylactic structure, these kinds of stands are mainly distributed in the remote
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冰消日正中,水鸟戏西东.倏忽鱼漂倒,满钩大北风。冬钓记趣@曹中逵!河南开封 Ice in the middle of the day, the waterbird play the west. Pommel fish drift down, full of b
《中国钓鱼》是中国钓鱼人的。 每每听到这句话的时候,总要想起那句:“中国是中国人的。”虽然没有那样的一种深沉,却有着那样的一份感动。 如今这份感动又藏在钓友们寄来的千余
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