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1952年的一天.美国密西根大学.一位曾在中国停留多年的名教授正与一位中国留学生讨论该生的博士论文选题.忽然,教授提高了嗓门:“什么!你说你要写五四运动,不行!博士论文怎么可以写学生暴动?……什么?说这是中国的文化运动、文艺复兴、思想革命?简直胡闹!你若是坚持写这个题目,我们就取消你的奖学金!”这位中国留学生愤然而去.几年后,这位留学生顶住多方压力终于完成论文,接着他将论文扩写成55万字的《五四运动史》,于1960年由哈佛大学出版社以英文出版.此书一出版,立即引起轰动:美国一些大、中学争相节选此书为学生教材;哈佛大学出版社先后再版7次;意大利、台湾、香港等国家和地区也出版了译本;日本、英、法、德、加拿大、捷克、新加坡、马来西亚、香港、台湾等许多国家和地区的报刊,都曾发表专文评述《五四运动史》,称誉该书为“一本材料详实、内容丰富的卓越著作,任何一位研究现代中国的读者不可缺少的指导性参考书……这书把历史细节和广阔的社会政治背景巧妙地交织起来,造成一种完美的有解释性的关于中国的研究,实在是前所未有.”(美国《东方学会学报》);各国研究中国近代史、思想史、文学史或传记的著作,几乎例必征引《五四运动史》;大英百科全书再版时特邀《五四运动史》作者补写“五四运动? One day in 1952. University of Michigan. One professor who had spent many years in China was discussing the doctor’s thesis topic with a Chinese student. Suddenly, the professor raised his voice: “What! You say you want to write What can we say that this is a Chinese cultural movement, a Renaissance, a revolution in ideas? It is a prank! If you insist on writing this subject, we will cancel your scholarship! ” The Chinese student angrily left a few years later, and the student finally rescued the paper under pressure from many parties. Then he extended the essay to 550,000 words of “May Fourth Movement” and was published in English by Harvard University Press in 1960 The publication of this book immediately aroused a sensation: Some major and middle schools in the United States competed with each other for choosing this book as a textbook for students; Harvard University Publishing House successively reprinted seven times; and other countries and regions such as Italy, Taiwan, Hong Kong also published translations; Japan and Britain , France, Germany, Canada, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and many other countries and regions have published an essay on the “May Fourth Movement History”, praised the book as “one The detailed and informative book, an indispensable guide for any reader of modern China ... This book skillfully interweaves historical details with a broad socio-political background to create a perfect explanation The study of China on the nature is unprecedented. ”(The Journal of the Oriental Society of the United States); The books of modern history, intellectual history, literary history or biographical studies in various countries in any country are invariably cited in the history of the May Fourth Movement; the Encyclopedia Britannica When the book is reprinted, the author of the May 4th Movement Invited to Write "May 4th Movement?