Q 我生下宝宝已19日,自开奶后,发现乳房经常漏奶,只要乳房稍稍发胀,奶便会流出将衣服前襟弄湿一大片。请问,为何会漏奶?如何制止漏奶?A 漏奶多数发生在喷乳反射活跃的妇女身上。有的产妇开始喂奶后,乳房有轻微针戳感、刺痛感,甚至轻微的阵痛感或者乳汁无端从乳房内滴出,这是泌乳反射的征兆,表明已很易喂哺,将清洁纱布盖乳房后用手掌按一下即可。个别漏奶现象较突出的产妇可用清洁纱布或其他柔软材料衬于胸罩内以吸尽所漏奶汁。垫衬要经常换洗。漏奶通常是暂时现象,但也要注意漏奶容易导致细菌侵入皮肤,所以更要注意乳房清洁。
Q I gave birth to a baby already on the 19th. Since my milk was found, my breasts often leak milk. As soon as the breasts are slightly swollen, the milk will flow out and wet the front of my clothes. Excuse me, why the leakage of milk? How to stop the leakage of milk? A leakage of milk occurred in the majority of breast-fed women who reflex. Some mothers began feeding, the breasts have a slight pin puncture, tingling, or even a slight sense of pain or milk dripping from the breast without any end, which is a sign of lactation reflex, indicating that it is very easy to feed, clean the gauze cover Press after the breast with the palm of your hand. Individual milk leakage more prominent mothers can use clean gauze or other soft materials lining the bra to drain the milk to drain. Pad often to wash. Milk leakage is usually a temporary phenomenon, but also pay attention to leakage of milk easily lead to bacteria invade the skin, so pay more attention to breast clean.