
来源 :中国优生与遗传杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mirowtg
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先天出生缺陷是影响人口素质的重要因素之一。据国家统计局资料,我国出生缺陷的总发生率为13.07‰,最高地区可高达20‰。其中70—80%是由遗传因素造成的。目前,对该疾病尚无有效治疗办法,只能从预防入手,开展产前诊断。我院几年来开展诊断先天出生缺陷多种检测技术的探讨,建立了多项产前诊断新技术。并研制新的药物,进行临床防治的研究。其目的是了解胎儿生长发育状况,控制患儿的出生,获得健康的后代,对患者诊 Birth defects are one of the important factors affecting the quality of the population. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, the total incidence of birth defects in our country is 13.07 ‰, and the highest area can be as high as 20 ‰. 70-80% of which is caused by genetic factors. At present, there is no effective treatment for this disease, but prenatal diagnosis can only be started with prevention. Our hospital for a few years to carry out diagnosis of congenital birth defects a variety of detection techniques to establish a number of prenatal diagnosis of new technologies. And the development of new drugs, clinical research. Its purpose is to understand the status of fetal growth and development, control the birth of children, to obtain healthy offspring, the patient diagnosis
<正> 俄罗斯圣彼得堡东方研究所(原苏联科学院列宁格勒分院亚洲民族研究所)是世界敦煌遗书的主要收藏单位之一。据正式公布,该所共收藏敦煌遗书一万二千多号。最近也有资料说