苏里格气田天然气的主要成分为甲烷,还含有一定量的C2~C6和极少量的C7+以上重烃组分,为满足管输气的水、烃露点要求,需要同时脱水脱烃.苏里格气田采用中低压集气,集气站来气需增压后外输,因没有剩余的压力能可供利用,所以采取外部冷剂制冷法脱水脱烃.天然气经制冷单元的温降值决定了天然气低温脱水脱烃工艺的能耗,苏里格气田低温工艺制冷装置目前设计的天然气制冷温降值为10℃.经计算认为,通过更换高效的换热器,5℃的制冷温降值就可满足苏里格气田低温脱水脱烃工艺净化要求,而日处理500×104 m3天然气低温脱水脱烃装置制冷系统的理论功耗将从494.8 kW降至249.3 kW,可大幅度地降低天然气净化系统的能量消耗.“,”CH4 is the main ingredient of the natural gas in the Sulige Gas Field, which contains a certain amounts of C2-C6, a very tiny C7+heavy hydrocarbon. So it needs to meet the requirements of water dew point and hydrocarbon dew point simultaneously.It col-lects gas with middle pressure in the Sulige Gas Field, which has no vestigial pressure ener-gy, so natural gas needs to be processed under low temperature for its particular pressure sys-tem. The power consumption is decided by temperature depression of natural gas in the re-frigeration unit. Presently, the designed temperature depression value of the refrigeration unit was 10 ℃. This paper argues that the temperature depression value could be turned down to 5 ℃,with which tubular heat exchanger replaced by a more efficient one (Plate fin heat exchanger, etc). Theoretical power consumption of the refrigeration system, which process load was 500 × 104 m3/d, could decreased from 494.8 kW to 249.3 kW. This could leading to substantially power consumption reduce of the gas processing system.