In Tom Hanks’s new movie “Catacombs,” we have seen the surviving experience of the only survivor of FedEx Airlines pilot Cher Nolan, who has to fight to keep himself in an uninhabited Survival in the environment, while still maintaining their own temperament. Hi, this is a portrayal of Hanks’ day’s work. In the spring of 1996, Tom Hanks, who was in the process of making a final recording of a movie, stopped at a movie theater in Fox Studios in Los Angeles. That was his first self-directed movie, “The Good Things You Do,” for more than his post-production schedule, and Hanks’s episode one after another awaited his research. He turned to face the screen, slamming the keyboard with ease and decisiveness, until his attention returned to the motion picture film. I sat shortly behind him and when his job was interrupted by lunch, I decided to quietly pass and peek at what he had written down on his laptop. I found him playing a computer golf game.