The production and application of information technology have been well established and are growing rapidly in developed countries. The newly industrialized countries are making the production and application of information technology a national goal. Developing countries are starting to make the same plans. The role of agencies in the proliferation of international information technology is now not clearly understood, but in the sense of innovation, the role of the agency is crucial. This article proposes four points. First, the traditional, less dynamic ways of thinking innovation — stemming from the economic outlook of Schumpeter and Hicks — have been shown by research on economic history and innovative social interactions. Ignoring the understanding of the different roles of institutions. Second, among the people who advocate the need for institutional intervention, there has always been controversy, that is, whether innovation is rooted in “supply promotion” or “demand pull.” The answer to this question has important organizational implications. Many evidences (mostly from the history of economic development) indicate that these two are recurring, so the agency can exert effective influence from both aspects. Third, institutional intervention has two main forms: exerting influence and regulating. The possible interventions of institutions can be summarized in a 2×2 matrix, where one dimension of the matrix is supply promotion and demand pull, and the other dimension is influence and regulation. Finally, if the government wants to intervene, there are six factors that may affect innovation.