一股股绿色风在绿了荒山、绿了城市以后,又飘然吹进了人们的居室。在家中营造一个绿色氧吧,是很多人的梦想。但怎样选择绿色植物却颇有学问。除了株型、花色之外,您知道还要考虑植物吸收CO_2(二氧化碳)的方式问题么? 不同种类的植物有着不同的碳循环方式。多数植物在白天吸收CO_2,释放O_2(氧气),而夜间吸收O_2释放CO_2。一般大气中的CO_2浓度为0.035%,而城市上空则达到了0.05%~0.07%,如果人们长期生活在CO_2浓度高于0.05%的环境中就会感到郁闷。经测算,每千克植物在夜间进行暗呼吸,平均每小时放出1毫克CO_2,假设一个居住面
A stock green wind in the green barren hills, green the city, but also blown into the people’s living room. It is a lot of people’s dream to create a green oxygen bar at home. But how to choose green plants is quite knowledgeable. In addition to plant type, color, you know that you also have to consider the plant to absorb CO 2 (carbon dioxide) the problem? Different types of plants have different carbon cycle. Most plants absorb CO 2 during the day, release O 2 (oxygen), and absorb O 2 at night to release CO 2. In general, the CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere is 0.035%, while it reaches 0.05% ~ 0.07% above the city. People will feel depressed if they live longer than 0.05% CO 2. It is estimated that every kilogram of plant dark breathing at night, the average release of 1 mg CO_2 per hour, assuming a residential area