Byatt focuses on the Babel in the Bible story in Babel, transforms it into a new version of the Bruy-teh Tower in the Chinese-speaking “Babylon” tower. By writing a series of liberalisms after the failure of the French Revolution Attempting to create a Utopia paradise for freedom of speech and life, liberation of the body, and acceptance of collective education by children, eventually evolves into the pursuit of personal desires and destroys the desires of others. There is no freedom of speech but freedom, excessive sexual desire and brutal violence. The story of Babylon deeply criticizes the origin of absolute “individualism ”, “scientific rationality ” and the liberation of enlightenment ideology behind the construction of this paradise as a contemporary allegory that prevailed in the West in the 1960s Various liberal ideological trends are the major contexts, suggesting the possible consequences of the absolute liberation and liberation of utopian pursuits based on the individual’s desire axis and the necessity of presenting the limits and some ultimate foundation from a literary perspective.