如今,无论去商业服务性企业还是去一些房产、服装生产企业以及隶属于 IT 产业的各类公司采访,往往会不知不觉中感受到这样一个不争的事实:在我到过的这些单位商层管理者决策者中,所面对的女性明显比以往任何时候都多。我在与这些单位普通员工接触中,听到越来越多的就是像“我们女掌门”这样的既是肯定,也是赞誉的称呼。为此,曾纳闷曾困惑于中国体育界的“阴盛阳衰”现象,何以就波及到了实业界以及社会的方方面面?而惟有在走访过一些公司,亲身体会和感受着这些时,才意识到对于那些企业高层管理者中一向高枕无忧的大男人们,其岗位的动摇已决非天方夜谭。
Nowadays, regardless of going to commercial service companies, or going to some real estate, clothing manufacturing companies, and various companies affiliated with the IT industry, we often unwittingly feel an indisputable fact: these business units I visited There are obviously more female decision-makers than ever before. When I was in contact with ordinary employees of these units, I heard that more and more of them are like “We are women’s heads,” which is both affirmative and praise. For this reason, I wondered if the phenomenon of “Yang Sheng Yang Fa”, which had been bewildered by the Chinese sports industry, had spread to all aspects of the business community and society, and only visited a number of companies to experience and experience them. Realize that for those big men who have always been at peace with their senior management, the shakeup of their positions has never been a reality.