The initial role of wax on plant surfaces is to prevent the loss of water and the entry of external moisture within the plants. The distribution of parts, chemical composition and structural complexity correspond to complex ecological roles. The physicochemical properties of plant surface waxes are resistant to a wide range of biological and non-biological damage including fungal diseases, herbivores, solar rays, freezing temperatures and more. Plant surface wax or plant, herbivorous insects and their predators and parasites interaction Arena, its unique chemical composition and morphological characteristics given its unique ecological functions, one of these functions is that plants and herbivorous insects The medium of interaction between. The physical structure and amount of plant surface wax can affect the attachment and movement of herbivorous insects. Surface wax can affect the predation of herbivore pests by affecting the predation of natural enemies on phytophagous pests. Surface waxy extracts and a single waxy ingredient can stimulate or inhibit spawning, activity and feeding of herbivorous insects. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, such as alkanes, wax esters, free fatty alcohols and acids, are the major constituents of surface waxes. Long-chain aliphatic compounds play an especially important role in the selection of host plants by herbivorous insects. Aromatic compounds also affect the insects’ Plant selection. Phytophthora infestans feed on less waxy and less waxy crops, and on waxy less waxy crops, there are fewer waxes on the surface and different chemical compositions and morphological characteristics. Studying the molecular biological mechanism of the smooth waxy crops against insects helps to clarify the role of plant surface wax in plants and insects. The physical and chemical properties of the surface wax can change the interaction between pests and host plants, and have important agricultural influence. It has become an active research field.