我把近来所写的文章梳理了一 下,觉得可以分成四类,因为喜欢音 乐,就联想起交响乐的四个乐奏。交 响乐四个乐章的曲式、节奏、速度, 旋律都不一样,有些甚至形成很大 反差,因而变幻无穷,丰富多彩,但 并不零乱,因为有一个主旋律始终 贯穿其中,时强时弱、时隐时现。彼 得·德鲁克也曾把管理者比喻为交 响乐团指挥。因此,我把本书的名字 定为“管理的交响”。
I combed the articles I wrote recently, and I think I can classify them into four categories. Because I like music, I think of four symphonies. Symphony of the four movements of the music, rhythm, speed, melody are not the same, and some even form a great contrast, so infinite, colorful, but not messy, because there is a theme that runs through them, when strong and weak, when Hidden now. Peter Drucker also compared managers to the orchestra conductor. Therefore, I will be the name of the book as “symphonic management.”