iPad虽好,亦有缺陷:不能运行Flash,不能应用Mircosoft Office,不能与Windows远程互联,Splashtop Remote的推出使得上面的问题迎刃而解。 iPad,可谓当前全球最为风靡的终端产品了,但苹果公司的封闭式策略,大大限制了其应用的范围,给应用厂商增加了开发成本,也使诸多习惯了Windows等平台应用的用户大感不便。但这样的缺陷,在专注于提升用户电脑使用体验的达晖飞码(DeviceVM)公司眼里,其实也意味着商机。
Although the iPad is good, there are also flaws: can not run Flash, can not use Mircosoft Office, can not be remotely connected with Windows, Splashtop Remote introduced makes the above problems solved. iPad, the world’s most popular end product, but Apple’s closed-end strategy, which greatly limits the scope of its application, increased development costs for application vendors, but also make a lot of accustomed to Windows and other platform users inconvenienced . But such a flaw, in the eyes of DeviceVM, a company that focuses on improving the user experience of computers, actually means business opportunities.