2005年,瑞士洛桑的艾丽斯摄影博物馆(Musee de l’Elysee)为庆祝建馆20周年,决定不按惯例举办藏品回顾展,而是推出从世界五大洲60多所著名艺术院校选出来的50名摄影专业学生作品联展,题为《继往开来》(reGeneration),旨在展示摄影之现状和未来之趋势。该展览取得了预想不到的成功,已在欧美和亚洲十几个城市巡回展出,2006年还参加了平遥国际摄影大展。五年过去,《继往开来》展览入选的一
In 2005, Musee de l’Elysee, Lausanne, Switzerland, celebrated its 20th anniversary by deciding not to hold retrospective collections, but to launch it from over 60 prestigious art schools on five continents Of the 50 photographic professional student work exhibition entitled “Regeneration” (reGeneration), designed to show the status of the photography and the trend of the future. The exhibition achieved unexpected success. It has been exhibited in more than a dozen cities in Europe, the United States and Asia. In 2006, it also participated in the Pingyao International Photography Festival. Five years later, “past and future” exhibition selected one