Y2K May Spark Trouble In Poor Countries

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小小一只虫,惊动全人类!这是有史以来所遭受的最严重的一次“虫灾”!据估计,全世界将投人6000亿美金的“捉虫费”,来清除这只“虫”。 据世界银行估算,中国的捉“虫”,需15万人的全年工作量,而我国仅有软件工程师30万名,要完成1000多万台电脑和大量嵌入式芯片的设备清点和程序修改,可谓任重道远! 本文再次让我们感到千年虫的极大危害性!文章虽然谈的是千年虫对穷国可能造成的麻烦,但是却用了不少篇幅议论美国自身可能遭遇的打击。 其实,我国的捉“虫”工作正在有序进行。 不久前,可口可乐公司向世界各地的生产厂家调查千年虫的影响,尤其是水、电的问题。兔年初八,美国可口可乐公司的人就赶到上海,调查之结果,令他们满意而归。临行前,他们赞叹道:你们的做法原来和其他先进国家一样! 本文的一个重要价值也许在于末尾。它对美国人提出了若干“以防不测”的建议。如: Americans should consider stocking up on bottled water, canned goods and other essentials, as they might to prepare for a winter storm lasting two to three days. The report said people should also keep copies of their financial records in case banks run into unforeseen problems. 其中的keep copies of their financial A tiny pest stunned all humanity! This is the most serious “bug plague” ever experienced! It is estimated that the entire world will invest 600 billion U.S. dollars in “bug catching fees” to eliminate this “bug”. . According to estimates by the World Bank, China’s catching of “insects” requires 150,000 people’s full-year workload, and China only has 300,000 software engineers. It is necessary to complete the inventory and program modification of more than 10 million computers and a large number of embedded chips. It is a long way to go! This article once again made us feel that the millennium bug is extremely harmful! Although the article talks about the possible trouble that the millennium bug may cause to poor countries, it has used a lot of space to discuss the possible attacks on the United States itself. In fact, the work of catching “bugs” in our country is proceeding in an orderly manner. Not long ago, the Coca-Cola Company investigated the impact of the millennium bug, especially water and electricity, from manufacturers around the world. On the 8th of the Rabbit, the American Coca-Cola Company arrived in Shanghai. The result of the investigation made them satisfied. Before leaving, they praised: Your practice is the same as in other advanced countries! One of the important values ​​of this article may be at the end. It has made a number of “preventive” suggestions for Americans. Such as: Americans should consider stocking up on bottled water, canned goods and other essentials, as they might to prepare for a winter storm lasting two to three days. The report said people should also keep copies of their financial records in case banks run into unforeseen. Problems. Among them keep copies of their financial
foot forward,put one’s best这一习语的意思为“尽最大努力”,“给人以尽可能好的印象”。1.We mustput our best foot forward if we are to reach town tonight.我们若
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