素有“天嘉福地”之美称的甘肃礼县,是一方具有勤耕苦读优良传统的热土。根植于这方热土之上的礼县一中,在新千年的曙光中,迎来了她的60华诞。诞生于中华民族抗日救亡的历史关头,历经解放战争的风雨洗礼,伴随着新中国前进的步伐,两移校址,数易校名,历任了13位校长,礼县一中由一所原本坐落在破旧庙宇里的初级中学,发展壮大为占地近百亩,拥有教职工 138名、学生1800多名的全县规模最大的全日制普通高级中学,为国家和地方培养了数以万计品学兼优的
Li County, Gansu Province, which is known as the “Tianjiafudi”, is a hot land where one can work hard and read fine traditions. Li Yi, who was rooted in this land of warmth, ushered in her 60th birthday in the dawn of the new millennium. Born in the historical juncture of the Chinese nation to resist Japanese aggression and salvation, it experienced the baptism of the Liberation War. Along with the progress of New China, the two schools moved to the site, number of schools changed, 13 presidents were served, and Li County 1 was originally located. The junior middle school in the dilapidated temple has grown to a size of nearly 100 acres. It has 138 faculty members and more than 1800 students. The county’s largest full-time general high school has trained tens of thousands of items for the country and the local government. Excellent learning