关贸总协定(General Agrement of Tariffs andTrade,简称GATT)是目前世界上唯一的调整各缔约国之间的关税政策和贸易关系的多边协议。我国是关贸总协定的创始缔约国之一。由于历史的原因,至今尚未恢复我国的缔约国地位。中国加入GATT的谈判正在进行之中。如果谈判顺利,我国将于1993年3月重新加入GATT。我国为什么要入GATT?有何利弊?将面临哪些机遇与挑战?这个问题需要从政治、战略、经济、贸易等方面进行分析和权衡。
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) is the only multilateral agreement in the world that adjusts tariff policies and trade relations between various parties. China is one of the founding parties to the GATT. Due to historical reasons, our country’s status as a party has not yet been restored. China’s negotiations to join GATT are ongoing. If negotiations are successful, China will rejoin GATT in March 1993. Why does China have to enter the GATT? What are the advantages and disadvantages? What opportunities and challenges will it face? This issue needs to be analyzed and balanced in terms of politics, strategy, economy and trade.