“嵌入性”视角是目前美国新经济社会学的一个基础性概念。其含义是 :经济行为嵌入于社会结构 ,而社会结构的核心就是人们生活中的社会网络 ,嵌入的网络机制是信任。而社会网络的含义是 :社会结构应该界定为网络的系统 ,社会成员按照联系点有差别地占有稀缺资源和结构性地分配这些资源 ;应该按照行为的结构性限制而不是行动者的内在驱力来解释行为 ;要关注分析人们对社会资源的获取能力 ,而不能仅仅强调人们对某些特定社会资源的占有程度。管理学不能仅仅局限于经济学的研究范畴 ,需要借鉴各学科的优秀成果 ,本文引入基于社会网络的嵌入性观点 ,对组织进行重新审视 ,以期为管理学者提供新的研究启示。
The “embeddedness” perspective is one of the basic concepts of the new socio-economic studies in the United States. Its meaning is: economic behavior embedded in social structure, and the core of social structure is the social network in people’s lives, embedded network mechanism is trust. The meaning of social networks is that the social structure should be defined as a system of networks in which members of the society occupy scarce resources differentially according to the points of contact and structurally allocate these resources; that structural constraints rather than internal drivers of actors To explain behavior; to pay attention to the analysis of people’s ability to acquire social resources, rather than just emphasize people’s possession of certain social resources. Management can not be limited to the field of economics research, we need to draw on the outstanding achievements of various disciplines. This article introduces the embedded viewpoints based on social networks to re-examine the organization in order to provide new research inspiration for management scholars.