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译者点评:这是一篇新闻特写,说的是科威特的年轻人恢复潜水采珠传统的故事,颇有可读性、趣味性、知识性和借鉴性。说它有可读性,是因为这篇特写属于软性新闻,是介绍科威特和海湾国家采珍珠风情的,不像一般的时事新闻那样干巴巴。说它有趣味性,从内容就可以看出来。科威特和海湾其他国家在30年代末期发现石油以前的几百年里,一直靠出海采殊为生。每年5月到9月为采珠季节,采珠工驾驶独桅帆船在海上漂泊数月,潜水采蚌。要先采到蚌,才能采到珍珠。船上等级森严,船长、采珠工、水手和学徒工等依不同身份系着不同的腰带。采蚌既辛苦又危险,不时会碰到吃人的鲨鱼和各种有毒的鱼类。采珠季节结束要举行盛大庆祝活动,当地叫“卡法克”节,即出海归来节。对此,文章都一一作了介绍,并讲述了出海采珠的收获。1993年,采珠工来到一个特大的蚌,里面有17颗珍珠,每颗殄珠5万美元,算起来有85万美元,真是价值连城。这些内容还是蛮有趣的。说文章有知识性是因为,文章除了讲述上述内容外,还介绍了珍珠如何在蚌中生成,从中我们可以学到有关的知识。说文章有借鉴性是因为,我们可以看看科成特青年是如何发扬先辈传统的,而我们在这方面又能做些什么。 Translator Comments: This is a news feature. It is a story about the youth of Kuwait’s recovery of diving beads. It is quite readable, interesting, informative, and informative. It is readable because it is a soft news story about the pearling style of Kuwait and the Gulf countries. It is not as dry as usual news. Say it is interesting and can be seen from the content. In the hundreds of years before oil was discovered in the late 1930s in Kuwait and other countries in the Gulf, it has been relying on the sea to make a special living. Every year from May to September, it is the season of beading. The beading crew drove the dhows to drift for several months at sea to dive. You must pick it up before you can pick it up. On board the ships, the captains, the pearlers, sailors and apprentices have different belts depending on their identity. Picking is both hard and dangerous. From time to time, you can encounter sharks and poisonous fish. At the end of the season, a grand celebration will be held. The local festival is called Kafak, which means the return day. In this regard, the articles were introduced one by one and described the harvest of pearls taken from the sea. In 1993, Cai Zhugong came to an extravagant skeleton with 17 pearls, each with a bead of 50,000 U.S. dollars. This figure is worth 850,000 U.S. dollars, which is really worth the price. These are still quite interesting. It is because the article is informative because the article not only describes the above content, but also describes how pearls are created in the embarrassment. From this we can learn the relevant knowledge. The reason why the article is referenced is because we can look at how Kecheng Youth promotes the ancestral tradition and what we can do in this respect.
1999年5月22日清晨,在Internet上读到此文,兴奋异常。遥望那无垠的、群星闪烁的夜空,人类很早就在思考:Are we alone in the universe?许多科幻小说中描写的外星人,更点燃了