在中国山西省,一家国有发电厂为减少空气污染而暂时关停。这家发电厂一名叫刘慈欣的工程师正在利用这段闲暇时光干自己想干的事。他引领着中国科幻文坛,是中国作品最为畅销的科幻小说家之一。刘慈欣现年51岁。现在,他一边创作一部新的小说,一边担任他以前小说的剧本改编的顾问,同时还一边推动着《三体》的英文翻译——这本书是他最为畅销的作品,一套末世太空歌剧三部曲中的第一部。译者是一名在美国凭借自身奋斗屡获奖项的科幻小说作家刘宇昆(Ken Liu)(这两个人并没有什么联系),这部小说也是为数不
In Shanxi Province of China, a state-owned power plant was temporarily shut down to reduce air pollution. An engineer at this power plant, Liu Cixin, is using this spare time to do what he wants. He leads the science fiction in China and is one of the best-selling science fiction writers in China. Liu Cixin is 51 years old. Now, while creating a new novel, he serves as a consultant on the script adaptation of his previous novels, while at the same time promoting the English translation of the “Three Sectors” - his best-selling book, Opera trilogy in the first. The translator is Ken Liu, a science-fiction writer who has won numerous awards in the United States for his own struggle (the two have no connection)