Go on the safest trip 踏上最安全的旅程

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  1. precaution /prkn/ n. 预防措施
  2. podiatrist /pdatrst/ n. 足病诊疗师
  3. mandatory /mndtri/ adj. 强制的;义务的
  4. reap /rip/ v. 收割;取得;收获
  5. kit /kt/ n. 成套设备
  While traveling, there are many safety precautions that all travelers should take, even if theyre heading out to a nearby mountain for a camping trip, renting a seaside Airbnb, or choosing any other getaway. For advice on everything from what to pack to how to protect yourself, we spoke with doctors and travel experts to figure out the ultimate safety guide to getting on the road.
  Dont go off the beaten path
  While part of the joy of exploring nature is seeing new and beautiful views, if your road trip includes a hike, stay on the marked path. Resist the temptation to hike offtrail and in unfamiliar or unmarked areas. “You could get lost, injured or both,” podiatrist Dr Velimir Petkov said.
  Pack layers
  In the morning, when you set out on your adventure, your temperature will likely be comfortable. As the sun reaches its highest point, youll start to sweat inside your car. And at night, certain areas experience a dramatic drop in degrees. Thats why experts recommend packing everything you need to stay comfortable, including clothing for different temperatures.
  Make sure you get enough sleep
  While many people have difficulty sleeping, adequate rest is mandatory before a long car ride. “Do not drive while you are feeling sleepy. If you feel like you need a rest, pull over and take a 30minute power nap,” Petkov recommended. He also noted that even if you do reap the benefits of seven to eight hours of sleep, a little coffee can never hurt.
  Pack a firstaid kit
  If there is ever a time to pack a firstaid kit, its now. Whether you scrape your knees or have an allergy attack, Petkov said that it could always come in handy, especially if you plan on camping, hiking or biking as part of your road trip. This kit should have all the hospitalquality supplies that you need to treat common injuries or illnesses, such as facial masks, bandages, dressings, irrigation syringes (注射器) and so on.
  Protect your skin
  You may not consider sun exposure while sitting in the car, but the rays can seep through open windows and cause you to burn—and UVA rays, which cause signs of premature aging, can go right through window glass. And mosquitoes are also drawn when were outdoors at night. Thats why Bahar Schmidt, the founder of Eluxit Travel Agency, recommends going the extra mile to protect our skin with sunscreen and bug repellent (驅虫剂) alike.
  Apart from the tips mentioned in the text, can you find more ways to guarantee a safe trip?
书房  你看到那一书柜平平整整的书了吗?上面写着《名侦探柯南全集》《灌篮高手》《宠物小精灵》和《数码宝贝》。还有一排排的玩具手办,绫波丽、孙悟空、钢铁侠、黄金圣衣、高达,这片区域禁止一切外人靠近。客厅  男人们才不会细心到划分客厅的功能性,他们恨不得把偌大的客厅直接改造成网吧,三台屏幕连一个主机,外加3D立体环绕音响,只等着队友上门。卧室  卧室这个功能性很强的区域怕是所有男人们最用心布置的地方了
[中图分类号]:I206 [文献标识码]:A  [文章编号]:1002-2139(2016)-30-0-01  杨绛先生功德圆满回家了,“他们仨”终于在天堂团聚了。岁月的风尘难掩她的百年风华,怀着景仰之情,重温她的散文集《我们仨》,再次被她的作品所打动,而最令人难忘感动的是杨先生对知识的无尽求索以及面对坎坷命运时的一种从容、旷达的智者风范。杨先生以她的兰质慧心,用梦境的独特笔法,讲述了“我们仨”和
86. 一架大型客机  在上海虹桥机场起飞。  张文瀚、吴景柱、曲一凡、沈群众、王然、阿依古丽、英语翻译罗士文组成的兵团考察团飞越太平洋。  在美国,考察团考察了大型农业机械。  在加拿大,考察团考察了家庭农场。  在澳大利亚,考察团考察了细毛羊饲养和繁殖。  加拿大魁北克,一个家庭旅馆,这是星克湖边一座老式花园洋房,很漂亮。  阿依古丽在厨房里作饭。沈群众在打下手。食物很简单。只有些黃瓜、西红柿
摘 要:女性主义始于19世纪30年代,致力于白人女性争取平等权利的女权运动,并对父权制思想提出质疑。20世纪60年代美国民权运动才促进了有色女性的觉醒。爱丽丝·沃克是当代美国重要的黑人女作家,提出了“妇女主义”的理念,积极促进妇女主义思想,并将其广泛应用于文学实践。《紫颜色》这部作品,从一个全新的视角深入黑人女性内心世界,描绘多姿多彩黑人女性形象,剖析了黑人的思想意识及心理状态,揭露了黑人父权制及
体裁 议论文 文章词数 374 建议用时 7 min  难词探意  1. consensus /k?n?sens?s/ n. 一致的意見;共识  2. unilaterally /?ju?n??l?tr?li/ adv. 单方面地;单边地  3. regime /re???i?m/ n. 政权;政体  4. legislation /?led??s?le??n/ n. 法律;立法  5. sanc
【摘 要】  高等教育国际化是一项国策,也是大学的战略选择。从历史上讲,国际化一直是大学的一部分。对于国家、大学和个人来讲,传统面授教育开展国际化的原因和意义是明确的,然而随着信息通信技术的发展国际化有了新内涵,其中最突出的一个方面是国际化的虚拟性。本文旨在分析传统高等教育国际化的意义和原因以及方法,并对虚拟国际化进行界定,讨论远程开放教育背景下虚拟国际化的方法。文章最后阐述虚拟国际化所带来的机会
【摘 要】   本文追溯了档案袋从文艺复兴时期迄今的演变历程。档案袋最初是指装活页文件的盒子,后来演变成用于金融、政府和教育等其他用途。档案袋从纸质演变成电子形式,从存放在局域网发展到应用于因特网。21世纪最初十年(2000—2010年)见证了技术融入主流社会、教育技术成为主流高等教育的一部分和档案袋在全世界得到推广应用。随着过去十年电子档案袋的研究与实践的重心转移,学界更加重视教学法和学生学习
【摘 要】   增强现实( Augmented Reality, AR)是以虚拟现实技术为基础,将计算机生成的虚拟信息叠加到用户所看到的真实场景中的一种新技术。当真实场景与虚拟信息叠加于同一时空时,帮助用户增强对现实世界的感知。本文介绍了增强现实技术的基本概念,并结合其特点与当前发展状况,探讨了增强现实技术在移动学习中的应用,希望AR为促进移动学习的发展提供借鉴。  【关键词】接合自然;增强现实;
“There are two kinds of people in the world—people who love Peking Opera and people who dont know they love Peking Opera yet,” said Wang Peiyu in the opening section of her latest 12episode (集) online