Fuller Albiglot发现妇女多在绝经以后,而很少在绝经以前发生骨质疏松,故提出骨质疏松是由更年期的激素变化引起的。Albigut认为雌激素缺乏时,成骨细胞原发缺陷,不能沉积类骨质,使骨形成减少,导致骨质疏松。 组织形态计量动力学研究结果表明,骨形成与骨吸收密切相关。目前已知雌激素的主要作用是减少骨吸收,那么是否有另一种激素会促进正常排卵妇女的骨形成过程,因而可能对绝经后骨质疏松具有治疗作用呢?
Fuller Albiglot found that women mostly after menopause, but rarely in the premenopausal osteoporosis, it is proposed that osteoporosis is caused by changes in hormones during menopause. Albigut that lack of estrogen, osteoblasts primary defects, can not deposit osteoid, reducing bone formation, leading to osteoporosis. Histomorphometry kinetics results show that bone formation and bone resorption are closely related. It is known that the main role of estrogen is to reduce bone resorption. So is there another hormone that can promote the process of bone formation in normal ovulation women and may therefore have a therapeutic effect on postmenopausal osteoporosis?