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刚刚十二岁的他把母亲托付给乡亲,便跟着抗日游击队做“夹小包袱的”去了。不久,日本投降,第二年马玉玺正式穿上了军装,那一年他只有13岁。在上海高桥镇一座老的部队大院里,居住着一位曾参加过济南战役、淮海战役、渡江战役、淞沪战役的离休干部、伤残军人,他叫马玉玺。如今,他和老伴幸福地生活着,一双儿女也都非常孝顺,并且已经有了第四代:两岁多的重外孙。虽然小辈不和他们住在一起,但相距不远,相互常有来往, At the age of twelve, he entrusted his mother to the villagers and went along with the anti-Japanese guerrillas. Soon after Japan surrendered, Ma Yuxi officially put on his uniform the following year, the year he was only 13 years old. In an old army compound in Gaoqiao Town, Shanghai, there lived a retired cadre and disabled soldier who had participated in the battle of Jinan, the Huaihai Campaign, the crossing of the Yangtze River and the Songhu Campaign. He was called Ma Yuxi. Today, he and his wife are living happily. Both children and children are very filial, and they already have the fourth generation: two grandchildren and two grandchildren. Although junior students do not live with them, but not far from each other, often with each other,
20世纪50年代初,一天深夜接到通知要我参加最高国务会议。我去得特别早,会场在中南海勤政殿。  一会儿,毛主席来了。我走上前去向他问好,我说,主席您早。他笑笑说,我的公事刚办完,等和你们一起开完会,我再去休息。你是北京农大校长,我劝你们农业大学应该搬到郊外去,应把校址设在农村,或靠近农村,这样便于和农民接近。我说,北京农业大学的校址是有历史根源的,清末就叫农科大学,但离城太近,附近搞不到大的农场,