Amentolfavone protects hippocampal neurons:anti-inlfammatory, antioxidative, and antiapoptotic effec

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sttyuanchao
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Amentoflavone is a natural biflavone compound with many biological properties, including anti-inlfammatory, antioxidative, and neuroprotective effects. We presumed that amentolfavone exerts a neuroprotective effect in epilepsy models. Prior to model establishment, mice were intragastrically administered 25 mg/kg amentoflavone for 3 consecutive days. Amentoflavone effectively prevented pilocarpine-induced epilepsy in a mouse kindling model, suppressed nu-clear factor-κB activation and expression, inhibited excessive discharge of hippocampal neurons resulting in a reduction in epileptic seizures, shortened attack time, and diminished loss and apoptosis of hippocampal neurons. Results suggested that amentolfavone protected hippocampal neurons in epilepsy micevia anti-inlfammation, antioxidation, and antiapoptosis, and then ef-fectively prevented the occurrence of seizures.
患者男性,44岁,农民.1994年4月因脑溢血住市医院抢救脱险,复查脑CT见左基底节附近(原出血区部位)有一7 mm×15 mm肿块,怀疑脑肿瘤.因故未治疗.5月18日出院,与母亲同住.表现生
1 病例报告rn  例1 女,65岁。因反复发作右上腹痛伴间歇性黄疸3年入院。体查:巩膜中度黄染,心肺正常,腹平软,右上腹部压痛,胆囊可触及,表面光滑,有触痛,B超示胆囊结石 胆囊炎,胆总
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