
来源 :辽宁林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:J2EE_BOY
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杨盾蚧类,首先发生于新疆,现已由甘肃、青海、宁夏、陕西、山西、内蒙扩至东北地区,毁灭成片的杨树林,在全国受害面积约三千万亩以上,严重地影响了“三北”防护林的建设。我省从七十年代后期才逐渐引起重视。杨盾蚧是一个统称,共有三属八种。据初步调查,在我省寄生于杨树的有两种,即杨笠圆盾蚧(Quadraspidiotus Perniciosus Comst)及杨圆蚧(Q.gigas Thiem et Gerneck)。本文系对杨笠圆盾蚧进行的研究报告。该种属同翅目(Homoptera)盾蚧科(Diaspididae)笠圆盾蚧属(Quadraspidiotus)通称杨笠圆盾蚧,也叫杨盾蚧、杨干蚧、杨圆蚧、树虱子等。由于该虫的虫体甚小,危害初期不易发现,因而常被人们忽视。迄今为止,国内尚未见关于该虫危害杨树的详细研究报告。我们从1979~1980年对其生活史、生活习性进行了观察及各种药剂防治的研究,现将结果整理如下: Populus euphratica, first occurring in Xinjiang, has now been expanded from Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia to the northeast by the destruction of poplar forests, affecting more than 30 million mu nationwide and severely affected Construction of “Three Norths” Shelterbelt. From the late seventies in our province gradually attracted attention. Yang shield scale is a general term, a total of three genera and eight species. According to the preliminary investigation, there are two parasitic parasitic trees in our province, namely Quadraspidiotus Perniciosus Comst and Q.gigas Thiem et Gerneck. In this paper, the research report of Cryptomeria fortunei. The genus Homoptera (Diaspididae) Diaspididae genus (Quadraspidiotus) commonly known as the genus Salicola, also known as yunnabu, Yang caddy, Yang Kuwana, tree lice and so on. Because of the insect pest very small, harm the initial not easy to find, and therefore often overlooked. To date, no detailed research report on the damage of poplar to this pest has been found in China. From 1979 to 1980, we observed the life history and living habits and studied the prevention and treatment of various kinds of pesticides. The results are summarized as follows:
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通过对近10年来单味中药及复方治疗高脂血症实验研究的回顾,认为中药治疗高脂血症机制研究在不断地深入,但在造模方法等方面还有待改进。 Through the review of experiment