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一、问题的提出及原因分析素质教育以提高人的素质为宗旨,以“人”的发展为核心。它强调充分发挥弘扬人的主体性,学生才是学习活动中实践和发展的主体,是发展的主人。也就是说,只有学生在情感、思维、动作等方面自主参与了教学活动,学生的主体性才能充分得到体现,课堂中的素质教育才能真正落到实处。而在以往的应试教育中,存在着重结果、轻过程,重分数、轻能力的现象,因而出现了“高分低能”的学生。这种状况尤其是在相对落后的农村小学数学教学课 First, the problem raised and analysis of reasons Quality education to improve the quality of people for the purpose of “people ” as the core development. It emphasizes giving full play to the promotion of human subjectivity. Students are the main body of practice and development in learning activities and the masters of development. That is to say, the students’ subjectivity can be adequately reflected only in the independent participation of students in the teaching activities such as emotion, thinking and action, and the quality education in the classroom can really be implemented. However, in the previous exam-oriented education, there were the phenomena of “results, light process, multiple points and light abilities”, so there appeared “high and low energy” students. This is especially true in the relatively backward rural primary school math class
The electrochemical behavior of steel alloy in ethylene glycol-water mixture at different solution rotating speeds was investigated by polarization curves and A
The radioactive liquid waste integrated treatment facility was setted up in 2003. It mainly relies on evaporation to treat the middle-level radioactive liquid w