近期,受第8号热带风暴“韦森特”的影响,云南西部和南部普降大雨,局部地区出现暴雨及短时雷暴大风等强对流天气,昭通、德宏、云县、马关、弥勒、景谷等多个县(市、区)发生泥石流、山洪、滑坡等洪涝灾害,导致云南电网500kV、1 10kV、35kV、10kV不同等级线路倒杆断线、开关跳闸、设备损坏。灾情发生后,云南电网公司及时发布自然灾害黄色预警,公司防汛办公室实行24小时电话值班,并迅速采取一系列应对措施,共投入抢修队伍291支、抢修人员4204人次、车辆583车次,全力开展抢修复电工作。截至7月30日17时,强降雨累计造成35kV线路停运16条、10kV线路停运123条,其中35kV线路已全部恢复,10kV线路已恢
Recently, due to the tropical storm No. 8 “Vicente”, heavy rain fell in the west and south of Yunnan Province. In some areas, heavy convective weather such as heavy rain and short-term thunderstorms occurred. Zhaotong, Dehong, Yunxian, , Maitreya, Jinggu and other counties (cities, districts) suffered landslides, flash floods, landslides and other floods, resulting in Yunnan Power Grid 500kV, 1 10kV, 35kV, 10kV different levels of the line down bar, switch tripping, equipment damage. After the disaster, Yunnan Power Grid Corporation promptly issued a yellow warning of natural disasters, the company implemented a 24-hour flood control office on duty and promptly adopted a series of measures to deal with a total of 291 repair teams, repair personnel 4204 passengers and vehicles 583 trips, full launch Repair electrical work. As at 17 o’clock on the July 30, heavy rainfall caused a total of 16 35kV line outage, 123kV line outage 123, of which 35kV line has been fully restored, 10kV line has been restored