在杭锦后旗光荣乡永利二社的村里、地头、社员的家里,经常出现一位朴实开朗的姑娘,她就是深受当地农民欢迎的果树技术员——王国栋。 1984年秋,王国栋从内蒙古农牧学院进修毕业,回到杭锦后旗农业局,继续钻研果树栽培技术。 1986年冬,她接受了光荣乡冬季果树技术培洲工作。为了使农民们掌握果树栽培、嫁接及管理的技术,她顶风冒雪,走村串户,向果农们传播科学知识。去春,她又挑起了在全区农业生态试点乡之一的光荣乡永利二社蹲点的重担。万事
In the village of Hangyouhouguang, a village of Wynn Village, in Hangjinhouqi, there is often an earthy and cheerful girl in her hometown. She is Wang Guo Dong, a fruit tree technician deeply welcomed by local peasants. In the autumn of 1984, Wang Guodong graduated from Inner Mongolia Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College and returned to Agricultural Bureau of Hangjinhou Banner to continue studying fruit cultivation techniques. In the winter of 1986, she accepted Glorious Township winter fruit tree technology Peizhou work. In order to help farmers master the techniques of fruit tree cultivation, grafting and management, she traveled to the village and walked the village to disseminate scientific knowledge to the farmers. In spring, she has also provoked the burden of staying in the honorable town of Wynn, one of the experimental townships in the region’s agricultural ecology. everything