白榆 (UlmuspumitaLinn .)优树半同胞子代测定林生长量遗传参数方差分析和亲子回归分析结果表明 ,树高遗传力约为胸径的 3倍 ,遗传增益约为胸径的 2倍 ;半同胞子代树高的遗传增益高达 11 2 6 %或 11 97% ,胸径的遗传增益为 5 2 0 %或 7 30 %。经无性系各性状与生长量通径分析得出 ,直接影响树高和胸径生长量的因子以绝对值大小排列顺序为树皮 >侧枝 >顶端优势 >树冠 >枝角 ;促进树高和胸径生长的主要因子及相对性状为粗树皮。经亲代各性状与生长量通径分析得出 ,各因子按直接影响树高和胸径生长量的因子以绝对值大小排列顺序为 :材积>树皮 >顶端优势 >枝角 >侧枝 ;促进亲代各性状对子代树高生长的主要因子及相对性状为大材积 ;促进子代胸径的主要因子及相对性状为浓密树冠
Ulva (Ulmus pumita Linn.) Elite half-siblings offspring measured forest growth genetic parameter analysis of variance and parent-child regression analysis showed that the tree height heritability of about three times the diameter at breast height, genetic gain of about twice the DBH; half-sib The genetic gain of generation tree height was as high as 11 2 6% or 11 97%, and the genetic gain of DBH was 52 20% or 7 30%. The results of path analysis showed that the factors affecting tree height and DBH growth were bark> collateral> apical dominance> canopy> branch angle in order of absolute value. The main factors and the relative traits were crude barks. According to the analysis of path traits of parents and growth, the factors which directly affect the growth of tree height and DBH were arranged in absolute value in order of size> bark> top dominance> branch angle> collateral; The main factor and relative traits of traits for tree height growth of offspring were large-volume products. The main factors and relative traits of DBH for progeny were crown