安曼是这个世界上最古老的城市之一,阿利亚皇后国际机场是约旦最主要的机场,是进入这个城市的主要入口。设计的出发点是基于安曼的地域与文化展开的。在战略规划上,巩固了安曼作为地中海东部地区主要枢纽的地位;在物流组织管理上,机场的总体规划具有高度的灵活性——在未来的25年里,它允许机场的容量从每年30。万人次增加到2030年的1 280万人次,以每年6%的速度增长。鉴于当地的施工专业水平和材料使用情况,建筑师所遇到的挑战之一是将重复的圆顶屋面转化到施工图中。设计团队借鉴了福斯特事务所室内几何专家的专业知识,优化了数字模型和实物加工之间的关系,同时还与一支英国的建筑师、工程师团队合作。结合他们优秀的生产工艺和国际级的专业知识获得了最终的成功。项目于2008年9月开始施工,2013年3月机场就竣工了。
Amman is one of the oldest cities in the world, and Queen Alia International Airport, Jordan’s main airport, is the main gateway to the city. The starting point of the design is based on the region and culture of Amman. In strategic planning, Amman consolidated its position as a major hub in the eastern Mediterranean; in the logistics organization and management, the overall planning of the airport is highly flexible - allowing airport capacity from 30 per year for the next 25 years. The number of 10,000 passengers increased to 12.8 million in 2030, at a rate of 6% per year. Given the local level of construction expertise and use of materials, one of the architects’ challenges is to convert a repetitive domed roof into a construction drawing. The design team draws on expertise from Foster’s Interior Geometry Specialists to optimize the relationship between digital models and physical processes while also working with a team of British architects and engineers. With their excellent manufacturing processes and world-class expertise, the ultimate success was achieved. The project started construction in September 2008 and the airport was completed in March 2013.