整顿和规范市场经济秩序是当前和整个“十五”时期经济工作的一项重要任务。当前,在建筑市场上,地方、行业保护主义现象比较普遍,严重影响和扰乱了市场经济秩序。整顿和规范建筑市场,要把打破地方和行业保护作为工作重点之一。 一、建筑市场上的地方和行业保护现象 《招标
Reorganizing and standardizing the market economic order is an important task for the current and the entire period of the “10th Five-Year Plan” economic work. At present, in the construction market, local and industrial protectionism is relatively common, seriously affecting and disrupting the market economic order. To rectify and standardize the construction market, one must focus on breaking local and industrial protection. I. Local and Industrial Protection on the Construction Market