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1病例资料男,28岁.施工时被重物砸伤腰背部,当时鼻腔出血,双下肢截瘫,无烦躁不安、意识丧失及呕吐.查体:血压60/30 mmHg,心率125/min.意识淡漠.腹部平坦、对称,全腹肌紧张、压痛,反跳痛不明显,无胃肠型及蠕动波,肠鸣音正常,移动性浊音(±).胸骨剑突以下感觉丧失,双下肢肌力0级,骨盆挤压分离试验阳性.腹腔穿刺抽出5 ml不凝血.
2012年4月15日,山特维克可乐满在南京CCMT2012展会前日召开了媒体发布会。山特维克可乐满瑞典总部的沟通专家Iohan Person、Lianne Mills、山特维克可乐满销售总监张永康、市
We present the processes and results of a numerical investigation of the bismuth unloading solidification by a graded density impactor, and demonstrate that the
A numerical investigation is carried out on the effects of heat source suction and viscous dissipation on Magneto hydrodynamics boundary layer flow of a viscous
The purpose of this article is to develop a new methodology to evaluate the statistical characteristic of the response of structures subjecting to random excita
<正> 2002年9月12日,对于士兵谢胜才来说,是他当兵五年来最幸福的一天,因为几乎所有的梦想都在这一天实现了。五年前,海航某飞行学院在新兵连层层筛选,百里挑一,选定了谢胜才
Vacuum chambers must fulfil ultra-high vacuum requirements while withstanding thermo-mechanical loads. This is particularly true in high energy particle acceler
The paper studies the motion of the Foucault Pendulum in a rotating non-inertial reference frame and provides a closed form vector solution determined by vector