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本刊从去年第六期展开“青年戏剧工作者如何做新愚公”问题讨论后,到这一期止,共发表了十五个演出单位的二十六个青年戏剧工作者的十七篇文章。参加讨论的同志根据亲身感受,从不同角度谈了自己对这一问题的看法,认为这一讨论对促进他们的思想革命化是有帮助的。许多上山下乡的青年戏剧工作者表示,要学习乌兰牧骑精神,不怕苦,不怕累,全心全意为农民服务一辈子;也有不少同志谈到,要做社会主义新愚公,必须用愚公移山精神搬掉自己思想中的个人主义,因此要严格进行思想改造,用毛泽东思想武装自己的头脑,坚决与工农兵相结合;有的来稿来信认为,要做社会主义新愚公,就得在工作中不拈轻怕重,党叫干啥就干啥,做一颗象雷锋那样的永不生锈的螺丝钉等等。还有不少青年戏剧工作者热情地来信来稿认为这一讨论对促进青年革命化是有好处的,希望这一讨论继续下去,并提出讨论青年戏剧工作者思想、生活、技巧三过硬的问题。我们觉得这个问题提得好,讨论这个问题是青年戏剧工作者如何做新愚公问题讨论的深入一步。我们拟定从下一期起,在《做红色接班人》的栏目中讨论“青年戏剧工作者怎样三过硬”,希望大家踊跃投稿,特别希望青年戏剧工作者就这一问题谈谈自己的想法,认识以及切身体会。 After the discussion on the issue of how young theatrical workers have done new folks since the sixth issue last year, a total of 17 pieces of 26 young theater workers who published 15 performance units by this period were published article. The comrades participating in the discussion, based on their personal experience, talked about their own views on this issue from different perspectives and considered that this discussion was helpful to the revolutionization of their thinking. Many young theater workers who went to the countryside went to study hard. They are not afraid of suffering, are not afraid of being tired, and wholeheartedly serve the peasants for a lifetime. Many comrades have also said that in order to be a new socialist man, Therefore, we must strictly carry out ideological reform, arm ourselves with Mao Tsetung Thought, and firmly combine ourselves with the workers, peasants and soldiers. Some writers believe that to be a new foolish man of socialism, we must work at work Do not pick up the fear of heavy, the party called what to do, what to do as a Lei Feng that never rust screws and so on. There are still many young dramatists who wrote a warm letter from this drama that this discussion is good for promoting the revolutionization of youth. We hope this discussion will continue and we will discuss the issue of thinking, living and skillful young theater workers. We think this question is a good one. Discussing this issue is a further step for youth theater workers in discussing the new folks. We plan to start from the next issue in the column entitled “Red Successors” to discuss “How Third Young Theater Workers Can Work Hard,” and I hope all of you will be enthusiastic about submitting manuscripts. We hope that young theater workers will talk about their own thinking on this issue, Understanding and personal experience.
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