经花七叶树 观花,观叶乔木,是非常理想的行道树、园景树。在春季新叶初上时,叶色殷红如血,十分艳丽。在夏季的时候,也会因为树叶的不同长势而呈现多色,上部微红,中间嫩绿,下部墨绿。到了秋季,叶色澄黄如金,故又有变色木之称。树体通直,十分伟岸。开花时,红色圆锥形花序缀满树冠,绿树红妆,非常美丽。原产北美洲大陆,喜阳光,稍耐阴,适于气候温暖、湿润地区,也能耐-43℃低温。今年推出的新品种3-4年即可开花。
Flowered through the flowers horse chestnut, foliage trees, is a very ideal road trees, landscaped trees. In the beginning of the new leaf in spring, the leaf color is bright red, such as blood, very beautiful. In the summer, but also because of the different growth of the leaves and presents a multi-color, the upper reddish, the middle green, the lower dark green. In the fall, leaves color Cheng Huang, such as gold, so it has changed color wood. Tree straight, very stalwart. Flowering, the red conical inflorescence decorated crown, green tree red makeup, very beautiful. Native North American mainland, hi sunshine, a little shade-tolerant, suitable for warm and humid climate, but also resistant to -43 ℃ low temperature. New varieties introduced this year 3-4 years to flowering.