作为农业生产经验之总结的农谚同样存在于现代德语里。它既是一种语言现象,更是一种文化现象。这是因为农谚既涉及气候、农业生产,还涉及民俗、节日文化、婚庆文化和宗教文化。德语农谚Karfreitag Sonnenschein-bringt uns reiche Ernte ein作为一个典型的例子反映了那里有与中国完全不同的宗教文化。所以,毫不奇怪,为什么德国作家席勒曾指出,语言是一个民族的一面镜子。在德国,关于农谚的研究近20年来逐渐增多起来,但是,在国内这方面的研究还是一个冷门,几乎是空白。本文讨论的对象是德语里涉及星期的农谚,具体的说就是德语星期农谚的分类及其修辞征,德语星期农谚与德语国家特有的婚庆习俗和德语农谚与德国里的宗教文化。
Agricultural proverbs, which conclude agricultural experience, also exist in modern German. It is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. This is because farming proverbs involve not only climate and agricultural production but also folk customs, festival culture, wedding culture and religious culture. As a typical example, Karfreitag Sonnenschein-bringt uns reiche Ernte ein reflects the existence of a totally different religious culture from that of China. Therefore, it is no surprise why the German writer Schiller once pointed out that language is a mirror of a nation. In Germany, the research on agricultural proverbs has been gradually increasing in recent 20 years. However, the research in this field in China is still an unpopular one, almost empty. This article discusses the German proverbs of the week of the week, specifically the classification of the German proverb of the week and its rhetoric, the German week-old proverb and the wedding customs of the German-speaking countries and the German farming proverb and the religious culture in Germany.