生产性噪声是造成职业性噪声聋的主要危害因素。纯音听力检查结果是职业性噪声聋诊断和分级的主要依据,应严格按照GBZ 49—2007《职业性噪声聋诊断标准》进行噪声聋的诊断和鉴定。我们现将1例职业性中度噪声聋诊断经过,报告如下。1病例1.1一般资料患者男,59岁,2002—2012年为某工厂锻压车间管理工,工龄为10年零5个月。自2010年5月起自觉听力下降
Productive noise is the main hazard that causes occupational noise deafness. Pure tone hearing test results are the main basis for the diagnosis and classification of occupational noise deafness. The diagnosis and identification of noise-induced deafness should be carried out in strict accordance with GBZ 49-2007 “Diagnostic criteria for occupational noise and deafness”. We will now 1 case of professional diagnosis of moderate deafness noise, the report is as follows. 1 Case 1.1 General information Patient Male, 59 years old, from 2002 to 2012 for a factory forging workshop management staff, length of service 10 years and 5 months. Since May 2010 consciously hearing decreased