
来源 :民族教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DAVIDIBM
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朝鲜族是我国少数民族之一。我国朝鲜族的先民,是从朝鲜半岛迁入的。19世纪中叶以后,朝鲜的贫苦边民不堪忍受当时朝鲜封建统治阶级的残酷剥削、压迫和灾荒饥馑之苦,不断越过鸭绿江和图们江来到中国。随着日本帝国主义在朝鲜侵略的加剧,大批朝鲜人为寻找生路,更是不顾清政府禁令,纷纷迁入我国东北各地,与汉、满等兄弟民族人民共同开发建设了东北边疆,并在长期的共同斗争中逐渐成为当代中国的一个民族。据不完全统计,1918年我国东北朝鲜族人口约有36万人,1931年66.5万人,1945年80万人。光复前朝鲜族教育,伴随历史的发展,经历了错综复杂的过程。 Korean is one of the ethnic minorities in our country. Our ancestors of the Korean ethnic group moved in from the Korean peninsula. After the mid-19th century, North Korea’s poor people and people were intolerant of the brutal exploitation, oppression and famine of the then North Korean feudal ruling class and continuously crossed the Yalu River and the Tumen River to come to China. With the aggravation of North Korea’s aggression by the Japanese imperialists and the large number of North Koreans looking for ways to find their own way, they have moved all over the northeast of our country in disregard of the Qing government’s ban and jointly developed and built the northeastern frontier with the ethnic peoples like Han and Manchuria. In the long run In the common struggle, it has gradually become a nation of contemporary China. According to incomplete statistics, in 1918, there were about 360,000 Korean Koreans in Northeast China, 665,000 in 1931 and 800,000 in 1945. The education of Korean nationality before the restoration of light has experienced a complicated process with the development of history.
摘要: 为了研究堆焊单一E309L熔敷金属的焊接工艺和接头性能,采用埋弧焊(SAW)在14Cr1MoR基体上堆焊一层EQ309L焊带,焊接过程中严格控制焊接热输入和采用有效的消应力退火热处理制度,保证堆焊层顺利通过无损检测以及弯曲、化学、铁素体数量、硬度试验、金相组织分析和晶间腐蚀等理化性能检测。结果表明,采用埋弧焊(SAW)堆焊单层EQ309L时堆焊层的塑韧性能满足要求,晶间腐蚀试验合格,可以用