,Clinical application of C-reactive protein in infective endocarditis

来源 :岭南心血管病杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenyinan
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Background The prognostic value of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients with infective endocarditis (IE) is not well elucidated.This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of CRP in predicting the outcome of IE.Methods Two hundred ninty-six patients from 2009 to 2012 in the Department of Cardiology at Guangdong General Hospital were screened and divided into surgical and conventional treatment groups.CRP,white blood cell (WBC),erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and other clinical data were obtained with follow-up for 12 months.Results Two hundred thirty-six patients were assigned to receive surgery treatment while 60 patients received conventional treatment.In the surgery group,the level of CRP in the death patients was significantly higher than that in the survival patients (P<0.001).The area under the curve of ROC was about 0.749 (SE0.064,P=-0.005,95%CI,0.624-0.874) and the cut-off point of CRP was 23.8mg/L.In conventional group,there was significant difference between death and survival (P <0.001).The area under the curve of ROC was about 0.701 (SE0.095,P=0.032,95%CI,0.515-0.888) and the cut-off points of CRP was 65.6 mg/L.There were no significant differences in WBC and ESR between surgery and conventional groups.Conclusion A more aggressive surgical intervention results in a better outcome over conventional treatment and CRP could be served as a predictive marker for adverse outcome in IE patients.
许多研究表明,在杂种优势形成的过程中,杂交种与亲本之间的基因表达发生显著的变化。为了更深入探讨小麦杂种优势形成的分子机理,需要对这些差异表达基因进行研究。本文以3338/京冬6号组合为材料,采用cDNA—AFLP技术对拔节期叶片和根、抽穗期旗叶、授粉后6天和授粉后12天的正反杂交的种子中差异表达基因进行了探讨与研究,取得主要结果如下: 1.在拔节期叶片和根、抽穗期旗叶、授粉后6天和授粉后12
普通小麦是个异源六倍体,由具有部分同源关系的A、B、D三个染色体组组成,然而在其减数分裂中期Ⅰ时花粉母细胞却呈现二倍体化的配对特征,即只发生同源染色体间的配对而没有出现部分同源染色体间配对紊乱的现象,这是由位于5BL上的Ph_1基因和3DS上的Ph_2基因控制的。 本研究利用Aegilops variabilis和Secale cereale L.为测验种对存在于普通小麦开县罗汉麦中的phK
光周期敏感雄性核不育水稻资源的发现,开创了我国的两系法杂交稻研究与利用,使我国的水稻杂种优势研究与利用继续领先于国际水平。两系杂交水稻的理论与技术成为我国发展新的超级杂交稻的主要基础。 在对光敏不育水稻的研究与育种中,国内外又相继发现或育成了一些新的光、温敏核不育水稻资源,这些新的资源有可能作为两系杂交稻的育种工具,发展两系杂交种新类型。弄清这些新资源的遗传生理特性是利用新资源的理论基础。
The risk of myocardial infarction increases in patients with diabetes mellitus. The incidence of myocardial in-farction is similar in patients with type 2 diabe