Documentary “Taipei’s Forbidden City” in CCTV broadcast aroused the widespread concern of experts, scholars and audiences, and led to the exchange of issues on the documentary and discussion, the viewer’s opinion of the film shows mixed diversity of the industry Thinking pattern. “Record era ” column In line with the principle of respecting the spirit of literary criticism, respecting independent rational thinking, respecting the principle of individual differences in aesthetics, one after another to select a number of clear points of view, exquisite comments on the article, with a view to broaden their horizons, Thinking, to provide readers with fresh spiritual nutrition. This issue of “Record Age” publishes Sun Wenhu’s essay “Wenhuahua Context for Creating Historical Narratives” and Wang Chunxia’s article “Fuguai” by “The Forbidden City of Taipei.” Different angles of the “Forbidden City of Taipei” made an analysis of the creation, it is recommended.