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  Now you’re probably wondering, “What’s this old guy, in a 1)letterman’s jacket, doing here standing near the corner of Alpine and Sunset?”Well I’m here because the story of Beverly Hills begins right about here.
  This land was an 2)arid treeless desert, but right here the waters flow down from Benedict, Coldwater and Franklin canyons. So this was the richest and most fertile land in this entire area.
  The native Tongva Indians called it “the gathering of the waters.” When the Spanish 3)conquistadors came their translation gave us “El Rodeo de las Aguas,”and this is the spot where our very first settler built the very first house in what is now Beverly Hills.
  Now most people don’t know this, but Beverly Hills’ first landowner was a woman, and a California-born African-Latina at that. Her name was Maria Rita Valdez de Villa, and she was married to a Spanish soldier. They had eight children, seven of them girls. After the defeat of the Spanish, the Governor of Mexico thought “What perfect settlers with all those daughters,” and 4)deeded them a 4,000 acre plot of Alta, California, and the land we now call Beverly Hills.
  For two brief decades life in this area was as colourful as the 5)senoritas’ dresses. Songs and laughter and the sounds of the guitar mingled with the rippling of the springs. When Maria Rita’s husband died she became the sole 6)proprietor of this whole 7)rancho. She employed a few remaining native Tongvas to help her raise crops and let her cattle 8)graze freely. Ironically, in the days before refrigerators, cattle weren’t raised for their meat. It was the 9)hides that had value, and even became known as California currency. Each hide was valued at $2.00, which might not sound like much except if you consider that, when Maria had to buy her cousin out of his half of Beverly Hills, she paid just $17.00.
  The Villa’s family ran this place from 1831 to 1854, and Maria might have stayed on longer, but in 1852 the Rancho was attacked by Indians. Legend says it may have only been three or four Indians, and they were 10)renegades and 11)poachers, but they laid siege on the adobe with deadly intentions. Finally the Villa’s only son snuck out through a dry river bed and gathered a 12)posse near present-day West Hollywood, then known as the Township of Sherman. The cowboys rode up to Sunset and Alpine and chased the Indians back into Benedict Canyon.
  So the posse chases the Indians up into Benedict Canyon to a spot right about here, and a furious battle13)ensues and the Indians are defeated. Now how do...how do we know this? How do we know that 14)Chevy Chase in Benedict Canyon is such a historic spot? Well that’s because, when they were digging the foundation for the 15)Women’s Club, they found the Indian skeletons, and they found the arrowheads, and they put up a plaque that says, “This tablet marks the site of the battle between the Indians and the early Californians,” right here in Beverly Hills.   Maria Rita is being honored October 13th, 2013, when the Rodeo Drive Committee and the City of Beverly Hills will host “Rodeo de los Caballos,” an 16)equestrian and antique auto parade down the old 17)Rodeo Drive Bridle Path.

  这里的原住民唐瓦印第安人称这个地方为“水源的聚集地”。当西班牙征服者来到这里时,他们把这个地名用西班牙语翻译过来,称为“El Rodeo de las Aguas”。就在此处,贝弗利山的第一位定居者建起了第一座房子。
  2013年10月13日,罗德奥街委员会和贝弗利山市将会举行活动来纪念玛丽亚·丽塔,这项活动名为“Rodeo de los Caballos”(译者注:意为“马的聚会”),届时将有骑马者及老式汽车沿着旧时的罗德奥街骑马专用道行进。
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