平和县位于福建省漳州市西南部,东连龙海、漳浦县,西邻广东大埔,南靠云霄、诏安县,北接永定、南靖县,素有“八县通衢”之称。县域处北纬24°02′~ 24°352′、东经116°54′~ 117°31′之间,下辖16乡镇(场),240个行政村;全境面积2328.6平方公里,人口54万,是沿海经济开发县。平和环境优美,自然资源丰富。境内群峰耸立,丘陵起伏,河谷、盆地、
Pinghe County is located in the southwest of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, east of Longhai, Zhangpu County, west of Guangdong Tai Po, south Yunxiao, Zhaoan County, north of Yongding, Nanjing County, known as “eight county Tongqu” Said. There are 16 towns (fields) and 240 administrative villages under the jurisdiction of the county at a latitude of 24 ° 02’-24 ° 352’N and longitude 116 ° 54’-117 ° 31’E. The whole territory covers an area of 2,328.6 square kilometers and has a population of 540,000. Coastal Economic Development County. Peaceful environment and rich natural resources. Towering peaks, hilly, valleys, basins,