Synopsis Riley is the sixth child of Pengjia, who spent her cradle time in the village of Kila near Padang, a village near central Vietnam, in Vietnam. Although the village was also under the terror of French devils in the 1950s, it was a peaceful refuge until 1963. At this time, Railey is 12 years old. “Vietcong” came here from the north, bringing with it serious warnings to the South Vietnamese government and its U.S. ally. Railay’s brother was enlisted by the “Communist Party of Viet Nam” and followed them north until reaching Hanoi. Then, the South Vietnamese government helicopter landed here, and the villagers received orders to help destroy the “Communist Party of Vietnam.” Teenage Lily because they find themselves must at the same time loyal to the South and North at a loss. She was apprehended by the South Vietnamese government soldiers for being sympathetic to the suspicion of the “Communist Party of Viet Nam” and was tortured. Her mother dredged Riley’s dowry and redeemed her daughter’s freedom. The sudden release of Riley caused suspicion by the “Communist Party” that they were ready to execute her. But at the last moment of her probation, Riley was raped instead of executed.