利用美洲黑杨×欧美杨F1无性系 12a的生长数据 ,对黑杨派种间杂种的生长进行了动态分析。各无性系之间生长存在极显著差异 ,前 3a生长不稳定 ,从第 4年开始 ,遗传力逐渐增大 ,并趋于稳定 ,胸径、树高和材积第11年的遗传力分别为 0 6 5、0 75、0 5 1,表明胸径和树高比材积更受遗传的控制。第 4年与第 11年的遗传相关系数分别为 0 90 96 (树高 )、0 94 80 (胸径 )、0 92 5 1(材积 ) ,说明树木生长的早晚相关是非常密切的 ,早期选择宜在第 3年进行。通过Logistic曲线对 12a的数据进行数学模拟和年增长量的计算可知 ,黑杨派种间杂种的速生期为定植后 2~ 6a ,黑杨派种间杂种超短周期工业用材林的皆伐时间最早宜在第 6年。
Based on the growth data of Populus × Populus × Oryza sativa × Oryza sativa F1 clones, the growth of hybrids between Populus nigra and Populus tomentosa was dynamically analyzed. The first three years of growth were unstable. From the fourth year on, the heritability gradually increased and stabilized. The heritabilities of DBH, tree height and volume in the 11th year were 0 6 5,0 75,0 5 1, indicating that DBH and tree height are more genetically controlled than the volume. The genetic correlation coefficients between the 4th year and the 11th year were 0 90 96 (tree height), 0 94 80 (breast diameter) and 0 92 5 1 (volume), respectively, indicating that the correlation between the early and late growth of trees is very close. In the third year. Logistic curve of the data of 12 a mathematical simulation and calculation of annual growth shows that the black-Poplar cross-species hybrids fast-growing after planting 2 ~ 6a, black-poplar interspecific hybrids short-period industrial timber clearing time is the earliest Should be in the first 6 years.