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  Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, so if you want to make it, you’ve got to practice. Soccer is probably the easiest sport to practice, because all you need is a ball...not even...you can practice soccer skills by kicking around a can in the back alley[小巷]. But if you really want to get serious, here are some soccer tips that can get you started on the road to becoming the next Lionel Messi.
  Nothing will help you improve quicker and faster than some competition. If you don’t have any friends that play soccer, find some. Even playing one-on-one with someone will help. The desire to win will help you hurdle[克服(障碍)] over obstacles[妨害物] and figure out moves that will develop into dribbling[运球] and scoring[得分] skills that you can use in a real game.
  You can learn a lot about soccer from watching the
  pros[专业人员] on TV, DVDs, or even YouTube. A trick that you can do to learn pro skills is to watch your favorite player in slow-motion. By studying the movements that you see, try to copy those moves with your memory so you can try them out on the field.
  There’s a reason why the best players and the best teams come from the same countries over and over throughout history. Many countries import coaches from these popular soccer countries to teach their players how to play soccer properly. If you can find a good coach, you might be able to learn some of the secrets that make players from these countries champions at soccer: Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, England, Mexico.
  To be a soccer striker[前锋], running speed is very important. Soccer strikers need speed to get away from the defense[防卫] so they can shoot the ball without a defender[防御者] getting in the way.
  Always stretch[伸展] before you play soccer and you will notice that your game improves every practice. By stretching properly, you not only make your range[范围] of motion bigger, but you can prevent yourself from getting injured. If you really want to excel[胜过他人], take some yoga classes!
*Up close  This is how I see it with you  Real close  This is how I dance it with you*  Close, so close  Is how I feel with you  **La la la, la la la  This is how I sense it with you La la la, la la l
从前,在埃及街旁的一所房子里,住着一只名叫爱德华·图雷恩的瓷兔子。那小兔子很是自鸣得意,因为他被一个名叫阿比林的小女孩所拥有,被她深深地宠爱着。可是后来有一天,他被丢失了,从而踏上了奇幻的寻爱之旅——从海洋深处到渔夫的渔网,从垃圾堆的顶部到流浪汉营地的篝火旁,从一个病童的床前到孟斐斯的街道上……这就是《爱德华的奇妙之旅》,一只不懂爱的瓷兔子丢失爱、学会爱而又重新得到爱的故事。  今年年初,因韩剧《
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1872年12月4日傍晚,英国双桅帆船德·格瑞第亚号航行至大西洋的亚速尔群岛附近。船上望员发现玛丽·塞勒斯特号在全速航行,但显得十分诡异。于是,德·格瑞第亚号的船长派人上船查看是怎么一回事。奇怪的是,船上一切正常,船帆、食物一应俱全;但是六分仪、救生筏和所有船员都消失不见了。船上没有任何打斗迹象,船员的随身物品和货物也没被移动过——难道德·格瑞第亚号遇上了传说中的鬼船?  Some of the