讨论学术规范问题是件好事 ,因为学术规范对一门学科来说是十分重要的 ,而了解社会学的学术规范 ,对于我们了解社会学有哪些层次的规范 ,这些规范在社会学教学与研究活动中所起的作用如何 ,并弄清其它与学术规范有关的一系列理论问题 ,是十分有意义的事。本文就有关社会学学术规范的问题与罗教讲同志进行讨论
It is a good thing to discuss academic norms because academic norms are very important to a subject and understanding the academic norms of sociology is the norm for what we know about sociology and the norms that govern sociological teaching and research activities It is of great significance to study a series of theoretical issues related to academic norms. This article discusses the issue of sociology academic norms with Luo speaking comrades